◆開催名 |
消防団国際会議 |
◆会 期 |
2008年5月13日(火)~18日(日) |
◆会議日程 |
5月14日(水) 午前:都内消防事情(テロ対策等)視察 午後:会議(消防団関係)
5月15日(木) 午前:会議(大規模自然災害等関係)
午後:都内視察 |
◆目 的 |
消防団の益々の発展と国際的な連携友好交流の充実を図るものである。 |
◆開 催 |
事業として世界で初めて日本にて開催。 |
◆会議会場 |
都市センターホテル (東京都千代田区平河町2-4-1) |
◆テーマ |
ア 各国の消防団が当面する課題
イ 大規模な自然災害やテロ事件における消防の対応のあり方
※上記(1)イのテーマについて、日本、アメリカ、イギリス及びCTIFより特別講演が実施された。 |
◆参加国 |
(1)アメリカ (2)カナダ (3)ドイツ (4)イギリス
(5)スイス (6)フィンランド
(7)オランダ (8) オーストリア (9) オーストリラリア
(10) 中国 (11)日本 |
◆主 催 |
財団法人 日本消防協会 |
◆共 催 |
総務省消防庁、全国知事会、全国市長会全国町村会、全国消防長会、兵庫県、 神戸市 |
◆後 援 |
(財)全国市町村振興協会 |
◆協 賛 |
(社)日本消防放水器具工業会 |
◆報告書 |
消防団国際会議報告書(PDF) |
◆Event Name |
International Volunteer Fire Service Conference |
◆Period |
May 13 (Tues) - May 18 (Sun), 2008 |
・May 14th (Weds) |
AM: Inspection Tour of City
Fire Facilities Measures
PM: Meeting relating to volunteer
fire service issues |
・May 15th (Thurs) |
AM: Meeting relating to Large-Scale
Disaster issues etc.
PM: Inspection Tour around Metropolis |
Deepen the relationship among fire industry professionals,
exchange information at an international level, strengthen
international collaboration and friendships towards the
mutual development and improvement of fire fighting
activities world-wide. |
BY |
Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Ministry of Internal
Affairs and communications, Fire Chief’s Association of Japan,
National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, National
Governors’ Association, Japan Association of City Mayors,
National Association of Towns and Villages 60th Anniversary
of Municipal Fire & Disaster Prevention Support Project
(the World’s first such meeting being held in Japan) |
Toshi Center Hotel
(Reception, Conference, Accommodations for presentater)
2-4-1 Hirakawa-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0093 Japan |
Meeting Themes
a) Issues Confronting Volunteer Firefighters Worldwide *
b) How to combat large-scale disasters and terrorism
Each participating country is asked to report on their
own situation and issues, and join the exchange of opinions
and expertise.
* Representatives from Japan, USA , UK and CTIF
will make special presentations on theme ‘a’.。 |
Countries |
(1)USA (2)Canada (3)German (4)UK
(5)Switzerland (6)Finland (7)Holland (8)Austria
(9)Australia (10)China (11)Japan |
◆Organizers |
Japan Firefighters Association |
◆Co-hosts |
Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications, National Governors' Association,
Japan Association of City Mayors, National Association of
Towns & Villages, Fire Chief's Association of Japan, Hyogo
Prefecture, Kobe City |
◆Sponsorship |
Cabinet Office(Director General for Disaster Management),
, The National Association of Commercial Broadcasters
in Japan,
The Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors
Association, The Japan
Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Japan Business Federation,
Tokyo Fire Department, Council of Local Authorities
for International
Relations, Japan Fire Protection
Association, Fire Protection
and Safety
Center of Japan, Mutual Aid Fund for Official
Retirement of Volunteer Firefighters, Japan Fire
research of diffusion
society, Japan Association for
Safety of
Hazardous Materials, Japan Fire
Inspection Institute,
Hazardous Materials Safety Techniques
Association, Institute for
Fire Safety & Disaster Preparedness,
The General Insurance
Association of Japan, Japan Fire
Engineering Qualification Center,
Japan Municipal Development Corporation |
◆Cooperation |
Fire Equipment Association of Japan, Japan Fire Alarms
Manufacture's Association, Japan Fire Retardant Association,
Fire Extinguishing Systems and Their Leading Manufacturers
Association, Japan Fire Pump Association, Japan Fire Sign
Association, Japan Fire Escape Equipment Manufacture
Association, Japan Fire Hose Manufacturers' association,
Japan Fire-fighting Equipments Manufactures' Association |
Report |
International Volunteer Fire Service Conference Report (PDF) |